Eclipse Plugins

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Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial OMF OpenBlueLab Modeling Framework
OpenBlueLab create actually a way to configure easily the portal. The future editor will be based on TopCased wich permit to create graphical editor with meta-models. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial pure:variants Variant Management
Variant management is joined software development for a group of similar products (e.g. a software product line). View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial The Structure101 IDE plug-in
The IDE plug-in lets you influence your architecture as it actually happens - when code is edited by programmers. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial SMODL Development Suite
SMODL is a simple xml-dialect for declaring method signatures. In this respect, it is very much like a Java or C# interface. However, SMODL also defines constructs which goes beyond what such interfaces can express, making it a powerful tool to model Web View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Tomcat For Eclipse
How To Install It: * Unzip the file * Copy the extracted directory under your plugin directory of your eclipse installation View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Simponent Roadmap
Roadmap is a rich internet client/browser based on RDML (Roadmap Markup Language), a declarative language with templating and scripting support. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial JNIUS Model Driven Development Generator
JNIUS Generator is an Eclipse plugin for MDD (Model Driven Development). The data models can be : * a UML file (XMI format) from a UML Tool (Rational Rose, Rational XDE, Together, ArgoUML....). * a mapping file from database : Hibernate mappin View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Google Gadget Eclipse plugin
EGadget Plugin is ued to integrate any Google Gadget into your Eclipse environment. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Mylyn-Mantis Repository Connector
This project is an eclipse Mylyn Repository plug-in for the Mantis Bug Tracking application using the Mantis Connect SOAP interface. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Haskell development support
We extend the Eclipse IDE to support development in functional programming languages. View Rating
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