Eclipse Plugins

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Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Net caboodle plugin
The Business 2 Mobile plugin from Net Caboodle makes it easy for you to develop MIDP clients for your business services, without the need to write any of your own protocol code. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Echo Studio
EchoStudio is an Eclipse 3.0-based rapid application development tool capable of creating web-based applications that work and act like rich clients. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Mylyn
Mylyn is the Task-Focused UI for Eclipse that reduces information overload and makes multi-tasking easy. It does this by making tasks a first class part of Eclipse, and integrating rich and offline editing for repositories such as Bugzilla, Trac, and JIRA View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial IdafeUML
IdafeUML is a set of tools for analysis and design of java software, using UML diagrams. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial What is SwingWT?
SwingWT is a 100% pure Java library which aims to be a free implementation of Swing and AWT. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder
CloudGarden's Jigloo GUI Builder is a plugin for the Eclipse Java IDE and WebSphere Studio, which allows you to build and manage both Swing and SWT GUI classes. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial ATLFlow
This plug in provides a diagram editor for modeling a process of model transformations in ATL. It describes the structure of a transformation flow. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial HiberObjects
HiberObjects is an Eclipse plugin for object oriented design of classes and unit tests for Java Persistence API (JPA) or Hibernate. PropertyChange support and DTO's for Google Web Toolkit (GWT) can also be generated. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial WSMO Studio
WSMO Studio is an open source Semantic Web Service and Semantic Business Process modelling environment for the Web Service Modeling Ontology. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial ESftp
ESftp is an Eclipse plugin which allows developers to transfer files between their Eclipse workbench and their Sftp server where they want the files stored. View Rating
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