Eclipse Plugins

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Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial ActiveBPEL Designer
ActiveBPEL® Designer is the premier integrated development environment for rapidly building, testing and deploying BPEL-based applications. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial TinyOS Plugin for Eclipse
Application programming for the Tinyos-Environment can be a cumbersome task, especially if you're coming from the java-world and thus are used to an integrated development environment that ships with a special editor, help, debugging facilities and enhanc View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial TREND/Analyst - Requirements Engineering
Eine Lösung für das Requirements Engineering aus der Praxis der betrieblichen Anwendungsentwicklung View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Web Performance Analyzer
Web Performance Analyzer takes the guesswork out of web page development! This new development tool enables you to measure, analyze, estimate and track baseline web page performance throughout the design and development process. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Mercurial Eclipse
Mercurial Eclipse is in its first public release state. It works but does not have all features that other version control systems has yet. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial AcceCite Studio
Avec e-Citiz, le Service Interacadémique des Examens et Concours (SIEC)...Le SIEC organise les examens et concours pour le compte des académies de Paris, Créteil et Versailles. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Eclipse Perl Integration
EPIC is an open source Perl IDE based on the Eclipse platform. Features supported are syntax highlighting, on-the-fly syntax check, content assist, perldoc support, source formatter, templating support and a Perl debugger. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Wind River Workbench Development Suite
Wind River Workbench unlocks the value of Wind River's run-time platforms through tight integration between the tools and operating system software. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial EclipsePro Test
EclipsePro Test contains the powerful JUnit test generation and analysis functions of CodePro and is exclusively designed to operate in the base Eclipse development environment. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial openArchitectureWare
openArchitectureWare (oAW) is a modular MDA/MDD generator framework implemented in Java(TM). It supports parsing of arbitrary models, and a language family to check and transform models as well as generate code based on them. Supporting editors are based View Rating
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