Home Management Syllabus for Business Management

Syllabus for Business Management
Posted on: May 10, 2012 at 12:00 AM
Story highlights the syllabus for the various MBA courses.

Business management is a part of collective effort and a manager has to coordinate with all aspects of the business management including human resource management, marketing management, accounts, finance and other management?s branches. So all the syllabus cover a wide range of topics, which are essential for the successfully handling of business activities. Generally the entire syllabus covers following topics extensively as they are the crucial factors and requirements for a MBA professional.

Management and Organizational Behavior: In this section syllabus deals with the role of manger, process of management etc for a business organization. Apart from these the foundation of planning, motivation and politics culture etc also included in the topics.

Marketing Management: Marketing is the important factor, which decides the marketing efforts on various levels. In fact is marketing which displays that how much the planning and other strategy have been successfully achieved. For MBA syllabus proper and extensive chapter have been provided. Including defining marketing strategy for sales, manager has to co-operate with other aspects of management including finance, accounts, human resource and so on.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

Financial Accounting and Analysis: For a manager it is require to be efficient on the accounting management and analysis of the fact so that he can utilize this for the achieving the objective of the business organization. Hence this topic deals with all the aspects of accounting and other tools. Funds flow economics is also a part of the topic.

Statistics for Management: Introduction of statistics, probability distribution random variables, sampling theory and small-scale sampling are the major topics in the chapter.

Information Technology Applications for Business: Information systems and technology are the important features for the management courses. In the topic students get familiar with the all the information applications and technology in business.ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

Human Resource Management: Definition, introduction and objective of human resource management and its utilize. The topic also focuses on the various models related to human resources.

Total Quality Management: Here students get informed about the history and evolution of Total Quality Management, its various tools, techniques and sigma including use in service sector.

Research for Marketing Decisions: Meaning and importance of marketing research in business management process. Also what is the process of marketing research and non-pragmatic statistics in research and multi variables research. 
Business Process Reengineering: Business Process Reengineering introduction, its process and implementation. How to make effective Business Process Reengineering and various models?ADS_TO_REPLACE_3

Operations Management: Introduction of operation management, quality control, material management, store management and control of production operation.

Decision Support Systems: Introduction, development and implementation of Decision Support System. Also group decision-making and artificial intelligence. Data ware housing and data mining.

Promotion & Distribution Management: Marketing communications and developing integrated marketing communications. Personal selling, sales promotion and distribution media.ADS_TO_REPLACE_4

International Business: International business meaning, global imperative, global e-business, managing global business.

Consumer Behaviour: Consumer behaviour, learning principles and its making, consumer decision-making and model of consumer behaviour.

Product and Brand Management: Product and branding decision, market evolution, market segmentation, product developing and testing.ADS_TO_REPLACE_5

Customer Relationship Management: Evolution of Customer relation management, its planning and concept. Planning strategy and its implementation also is a part of the topics.

Apart from these topics, many other topics also included in various syllabus of the business management coursed including e-business, Services and Retail Marketing, Services and Retail Marketing, Labour Laws and Employee Relations and many more.


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