In the competitive age where monetary gain has become a parameter for any success, surprisingly it has been witnessing a lack of ethics and morality in individuals and organizations behavior. Today using of unethical practices for the success has become a fashion and the same thing is true for a business organization where companies have no hesitation in racing themselves for the profit at any cost mentality. However it is unwise to say that all the companies today have indulged in such a malpractices, some of cases have been exposed where many big houses got involved in such a unethical practices. Undoubtedly it has tarnished and damaged its credentials vehemently and ruins its all-future prospect.
Ethics is a set of principles and values, which governs the thinking and actions of any individuals or organization. Undoubtedly practice of ethics and morality is essential part in every span of life and it is also important in any business activities. Avoiding of ethical practices is a genuine way of life and business activity also requires same philosophy where a lot of possibility present for unethical practices to achieve business targets.
Business activities, which utilize unethical practices, suffer a lot in not only a particular case but it also damages its future. All its efforts, which had been made for, its better name and fame and its branding, got tarnished if got indulged in any unethical practices.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
Wide availability of media and awareness of customers have made so easy to detect any unethical practices using by any company easily for its products and business activities. Apart from these, key opponents business rivals also play critical role in such a cases, which find out the unethical practices by a particular business houses and exposed the issues. Many examples are present in which major business house has to suffer big damages in terms of its reputation and its credentials when got involved in unethical practices for the promotion of products or other hidden agendas.
The profit at any cost mentality for such a business house is mainly responsible for such a malpractices as today companies have to face a lot of difficulty for their successfully survival. To achieve their business goals and targets and pressure mounted on their heads, they are ready to compromise their standards and indulged in unethical practices.
To avoid unethical business practices, it is necessary for business organizations and companies that it must define in writing the moral ethics for its employees. These moral codes of conduct and ethics will guidelines the thinking, planning, actions and others move for the organization.ADS_TO_REPLACE_2
Organizational vision, mission and objectives are generally guided by ethical and moral values and entire employee, from lower to upper most, must follow it. There must be a distinct line between what is acceptable and un acceptable in every attitude, conduct and manner so that employee can abstained themselves from such a unethical practices and can make a pride for the organization.
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