Download all dependencies with yumdownloader, even if already installed?

Download all dependencies with yumdownloader, even if already installed?


I want to download all the dependencies with yumdownload even if it is installed on my computer.

for example if software package is already installed then it only download the given package and not all dependencies.

For example following command:

yumdownloader --resolve  nginx

only donwloads nginx package.

What is the command to download all dependencies?

I need command for Download all dependencies with yumdownloader, even if already installed?


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August 6, 2019 at 5:56 AM


You can use following command:

repoquery -R --resolve --recursive nginx | xargs -r yumdownloader

The repoquery tool is used to query the repo to find out dependency and then pass it to yumdownloader for downloading it.

This way you can get all the dependencies of a package.


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