Latitude and Longitude of Bahrain

Latitude and Longitude of Bahrain


What is the Latitude and Longitude on Bahrain?


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June 30, 2011 at 6:42 PM


Latitude of Bahrain is:26 and Longitude of Bahrain is: 50.55

Located at the shores of Persian Gulf, Bahrain is a cluster of 33 islands, out of which Bahrain Island is the largest one. Spread over an area of 750 square kilometers and home to some beautiful Desert landscapes, more than 90 percent of Bahrain is covered with deserts, which is a reason for occasional dust storms that inhabitants experience. An estimated population of 1,234,600 people resides in the country.

Bahrain is one of the fastest growing economies of the world. However, the unemployment among the youth is an area of major concern. Bahrain's major exports are oil and pearls, which are produced in large quantities in this country. Though it predominantly receives tourists from the Arabic world, people from other parts of the world are also showing interest in Bahrain due to its rich cultural heritage as well as its modernization. The architecture in Bahrain has a lot of historical significance.

Whilst the average temperature in summers averages around 35°C, it can shoot up to more than 45°C in the months of June and July. Winters however, are lot more pleasant with temperature hovering around 15°C. In winters, Bahrain receives most of its rainfall.

If you are looking for a date with history, Bahrain might just be the right place for you.

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