Please Provide the direct Downloadable source code for better understanding
Hello Roseindia Team,
This is Mohammed Vaseem.
Am very much impressed after having rich content in your website.
*Your way of explanation is very clear.*
As am a fresher, it is difficult for me to implement the code practically.
I kindly request you to please provide the direct downloadable source code so that the explanation becomes CRYSTAL CLEAR UNDERSTANDABLE.
Thank you for reading my request.
Mohammed Vaseem
View Answers
January 20, 2012 at 4:33 PM
We have already provided the download link in our every tutorial of the website. Just go through the tutorial and find the downloadable link at the end of every tutorial.
Struts Tutorial
January 21, 2012 at 4:43 PM
Hello Sir,
Its Vaseem.
I was unable to find the direct downloadable source code in this struts2 tutorial.
Just there is a snap of the executed code is there. I search up to my level best. Please mail me the direct link so that i can download the source code file.
Thank you!
Mohammed Vaseem
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