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SASLError using PLAIN: not-authorizedSASLError using PLAIN: not-authorized Hi,
While connecting the ejabbered following error is coming:
SASLError using PLAIN: not-
I was able to resolve the issue with the following code
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Here are examples:
PHP Ajax and Database
First Ajax Example
Getting Started
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using iReport3.0 and then i am calling the .jrxml file in jsp but i got the
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Thanks in advance:
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int M;
int N
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Android using databaseAndroid
using database How to Add,delete,modify the contact name,address,phone no into the database
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using jsp code i want to draw a tree structure of a family hierarchy
using jsp code
About hibernate using strutsAbout hibernate
using struts what are the advantages are occured when
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what are the inconvenient occur in hibernate
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using eclipse please send me the steps to design online examination system
using eclipse,,,,b fast
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using hibernate Sir,
Today I hadposted question regarding upload image, th answer you had given is
using SQL, but I am
using Hibernate to insert data in the same table where I want to insert image.
Plz hlp me