I have a web application in which the header is displayed by hitting a URL. Since the header content doesnt change always i wanted to cache the results of the URL inputstream and refresh it for every 60 mins. The code of my header.jsp is
<% URL url = new URL(strHeaderURL); isProxyEnabled = UCMUtility.getProperty("globalheaderproxyenabled"); System.out.println("isProxyEnabled "+isProxyEnabled); System.out.println("condition "+isProxyEnabled.equals("Y")); if(isProxyEnabled.equals("Y")){ System.out.println("inside proxy Yes"); proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(UCMUtility.getProperty("globalheaderproxy"), Integer .parseInt(UCMUtility.getProperty("globalheaderport")))); connection = url.openConnection(proxy); } else{ System.out.println("inside proxy No"); connection = url.openConnection(); } connection.setDoInput(true); //connection.setReadTimeout(1000); //connection.setConnectTimeout(1000); InputStream inStream = connection.getInputStream(); input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream)); strContent = new StringWriter(); while ((strLine = input.readLine()) != null) { strContent.write( strLine+"\n" ); } out.println(strContent.toString()); %>
I include this header.jsp in all other jsp's.... Now I wanted to cahce the result of this jsp and refresh it for every 60 minutes. How can I do this? Can anyone guide me please. I searched a lot in net but could not find anything which I can understand :( Someone pls help me ..