Junit Test Suite

Junit Test Suite

Hi Sir

I am a beginner to JUnit. I have created these three test classes - CounterTest,MyClassTest & PetTest. I want to run these all with a Test Suite. Please mention code with your answer.

Best regards

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December 6, 2010 at 5:49 PM

Hi friend

Given below the code according to the test classes you mention :

    package roseindia.junit;
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    import org.junit.runners.suite.SuiteClasses;
    import org.junit.runners.Suite;
    @SuiteClasses( { CounterTest.class, MyClassTest.class, PetTest.class })
    public class AllTests {

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Maven dependency for org.junit.platform - junit-platform-suite-api version 1.9.0-M1 is released. Learn to use junit-platform-suite-api version 1.9.0-M1 in Maven based Java projects
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Maven Repository/Dependency: com.carlosbecker | guice-junit-test-runner
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) { UniversalData.connectionDetails = connectionDetails; }** if i want to make a test case using Junit...; regards Ankit Chauhan   Have a look at the following link: Junit Testing
