Add a jsp file to java application

Add a jsp file to java application

How to add a JSP file to java application?

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May 10, 2012 at 3:00 PM

<title>Include another page</title>
<h2>Here You are including a file,having any application,code or any content..</h2><br/>
<%@include file="success.jsp" %><br/>
<h2>Here You are including a Jsp Page...</h2><br/>
<jsp:include page="success.jsp" />

May 10, 2012 at 3:02 PM

<%@include file=??? %> tag will inject the contents of the named file into the JSP containing the tag.You can say it is just like copy paste.

It is done during the page translation time. In <%@include file="success.jsp" %> content of success.jsp is copied into the current page.
Its purpose to reuse JSP content in multiple pages.JSP content affects main page.

tag works differently as the result of content is injected into the current JSP.It is done during request time.

In output of success.jsp is injected into current JSP. The purpose of this tag is to reuse JSP, HTML, or plain text content and also permit updates to the included content without changing the main JSP page(s).

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