Update a resultset programmatically

Update a resultset programmatically

How to update a resultset programmatically?

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November 13, 2010 at 2:52 PM

Hi friends,

1 :- Create a scrollable and updatable ResultSet object.

Statement stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPESCROLLSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); ResultSet rsUpdate = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT COLUMN1,COLUMN2 FROM TABLE_NAME");

2 :- Move the cursor to the specific position and use related method to update data and then, call updateRow() method.

rsUpdate .last(); //update last row's data rsUpdate .updateString("ColumnName", "NewValue"); //don't miss this method, otherwise,the data will be lost. rsUpdate .updateRow();

import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; public class UpdateResultSet {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            String mysqlDriver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
            String connectionString = "jdbc:mysql://";
            String username = "root";
            String password = "root";
            Connection con = null;
            Statement stmt = null;
            ResultSet rs = null;
            con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString, username,

            stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);

            String sqlString = "Select * from s_infor;";
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlString);
                    .println("---------Student Information(Forword)----------");
            while (rs.next()) {
                int roll = rs.getInt("s_Roll");
                String Name = rs.getString("s_Name");
                String Address = rs.getString("s_Address");
                System.out.println(roll + "  " + Name + "  " + Address);
            System.out.println("---------Student Information(After Updation )----------");
            while (rs.next()) {
                int roll = rs.getInt("s_Roll");
                String Name = rs.getString("s_Name");
                String Address = rs.getString("s_Address");
                System.out.println(roll + "  " + Name + "  " + Address);

                } catch (Exception e) {

OutPut ---

---------Student Information(Forword)----------
1 Bharat Bareilly
2 Rohit Barabanki
3 Arunesh Allahabad
---------Student Information(After Updation )----------
1 Bharat Bareilly
2 Rohit Barabanki
3 BBB Allahabad

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