Action of h:commanLink in xhtml page doesn't run correctly
In my jsf/facelet xhtml page, when click on h:commanLink, the same page on which has h:commanLink is created in a new window. At second click on the new page, action normally run and rediretion to target page is ok.
xhtml code snippet:
<h:commandLink action="#{kmmTahliye.doKokKomurSahaBilgileri}"
action code snippet:
public String doKokKomurSahaBilgileri() {
Map<String,Object> map=FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
map.put("vardiyaBaslangicSaati", getVardiyaBaslangicSaati());
return "kokKomurSahaBilgileri";
Why doesn't action run at first click on the first page.
Thanks to All.
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August 17, 2010 at 11:36 AM
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