public class mathclass{ public static void main(String[] args){ //E and round() Double a = Math.E; System.out.println("e = " + Math.round(a*100)/100f); //PI System.out.println("pi = " + Math.round(Math.PI*100)/100f); //abs() System.out.println("Absolute number = " + Math.abs(Math.PI)); //ceil() System.out.println("Smallest integer value but greater than the argument = " + Math.ceil(Math.PI)); //exp() System.out.println("Exponent number powered by the argument = " + Math.exp(0)); //floor() System.out.println("Largest integer value but less than the argument = " + Math.floor(Math.E)); //IEEEremainder() System.out.println("Remainder = " + Math.IEEEremainder(5.3f,2.2f)); //max() System.out.println("Maximum Number = " + Math.max(10,10.3)); //min() System.out.println("Minimum Number = " + Math.min(10,10.3)); //pow() System.out.println("Power = " + Math.pow(10,3)); //random() System.out.println("Random Number = " + Math.random()); //rint() System.out.println("Closest to the Argument = " + Math.rint(30)); //round() System.out.println("Round = " + Math.round(Math.E)); //sqrt() System.out.println("Square Root = " + Math.sqrt(400)); } }