Introduction to spring 3, Spring framework 3


Introduction to spring 3, Spring framework 3

In this section we will introduce you with Spring framework 3.

In this section we will introduce you with Spring framework 3.

Introduction to spring 3

In this section we will discuss about Spring 3 framework. Finally Spring 3 is here with new features and enhancements.

The Spring Framework is Java based lightweight framework for developing enterprise applications. It was developed to ease the development of enterprise applications using Java technologies. It is not the replacement of existing technologies but it helps to use the existing technologies in much better and productive way.

The Spring Framework is preferred framework used for building enterprise applications. It is lightweight, modular and allow the developers to use the components selectively. You can use IoC container of spring and any other MVC framework such as Struts along with Hibernate or JPA in your application. The Spring Framework don't impose any restriction on the framework selection, instead it works as glue and helps you quickly integrate the different frameworks in your application.

The declarative transaction management is supported by Spring Framework and you can use annotation or xml based configuration for defining transaction boundaries. You can also choose the JTA, JTS or simple JDBC transition api for the transaction management.

The Spring Framework is non-intrusive, thus your code (business logic) generally have no dependency on the Spring classes. While some of the code of the integration layer such as data access may have dependency on the Spring libraries.

The Spring Framework allows you to user POJO classes to develop the applications. It allows you to use POJO classes in enterprise application development. You can POJO classes to create Controllers, Web services etc.

New Features in Spring 3

The Spring 3 takes the full advantages on Java 5. It also supports few new features on Java 6 such as asynchronous method invocations. Besides this there many new features added to the Spring 3. Here is the brief list of the features in Spring 3:

  • Spring EL
  • REST support for Spring Web MVC
  • Portlet 2.0 support
  • Model Validation
  • Type-Conversion System
  • Factory annotations
  • Object/XML Mapping (OXM) Module
  • Converter SPI
  • Converter API
  • Injecting the Converters
  • Formatter SPI and APIs

Read more Spring 3 Features

Spring Framework Modules

The Spring framework is consist of 20 modules classified into:

  1. Core Container
  2. Data Access/Integration
  3. Web
  4. AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
  5. Instrumentation
  6. Test

Following diagram shows all the modules of the spring framework:

Spring framework modules

In the next section we will learn these modules in details.
