Here you will learn about the function of fseek() example.
Here you will learn about the function of fseek() example.fseek ()
The fseek() function searches pointer in an open file and used to move from its current position to a new position, forward, backward as per specified by number of bytes. It returns 0 if succeed or -1 in the case of failure.
If any file has been opened in the append mode, the data written on the file will also be appended.
File - File is essential as it is the source.
Offset - Offset is also essential that specifies the new position of the pointer
Whence - Whence is optional. It has three possible value.
Possible values:
SEEK_SET - Set position equal to offset. It is a default value and when whence is not specified, it automatically as SEEK_SET
SEEK_CUR - Set position to current location plus offset
SEEK_END - Set position to EOF plus offset (to move to a position before EOF, the offset must be a negative value)
$filename = "New Text Document .txt";
$fp = fopen( $filename, "r" ) or die("Couldn't open $filename");
$fsize = filesize($filename);
$midfway = (int)( $fsize / 2 );
print "Middle point: $midfway <BR>\n";
fseek( $fp, $midfway );
$chunk = fread( $fp, ($fsize - $midfway) );
print $chunk;