Use of hasRemaining() method in float buffer class.


Use of hasRemaining() method in float buffer class.

In this tutorial you will see the use of hasRemaining() method in FloaBuffer class.

In this tutorial you will see the use of hasRemaining() method in FloaBuffer class.

Use of hasRemaining() method in float buffer class.

In this tutorial, we will see the use of  hasRemaining method of Buffer class in FloatBuffer.

FloatBuffer API:

The java.nio.FloatBuffer class extends java.nio.Buffer class. It provides the following methods:

Return type Method Description
static ByteBuffer allocate( int capacity)  The allocate(..)method allocate a new float buffer.
final boolean hasRemaining() The hasRemaining() method tell whether there are any elements in buffer or not.


import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;

public class FloatRemain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FloatBuffer floatBuf = FloatBuffer.allocate(55);
System.out.print("Contents in float buffer :\n");
    while (floatBuf.hasRemaining()) {


C:\>java FloatRemain
Contents in float buffer :

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