HTML5 select tag, Implementation of <select>tag in HTML5.


HTML5 select tag, Implementation of <select>tag in HTML5.

In this section, you will learn about <select> tag of HTML5.

In this section, you will learn about <select> tag of HTML5.

HTML5 select tag, Implementation of <select> tag in HTML5.

In this section, you will learn about <select> tag of HTML5. The select tag is use for providing drop-down list for the user. And the element of selection list can be added with the help of the <option> tag. You can use <optgroup> tag within <select> tag for grouping option. 

Attributes of form:
There are following attributes..
Attributes value Description
autofocus empty or autofocus Element  automatically highlighted.
disabled disebled Element does not receive focus of user.
form string Name of related form.
name string specify the name of select element.
multiple multiple or empty specify user can select multiple option
size integer greater than zero specify number of  visible option for user in selection list.

Declaration Syntax :

Declaration syntax of form in HTML5.

                                               </select >

Example of <form> in HTML5:

<!doctype html >
  <title>Title </title>
     <h1>Example of select tag.</h1>
  <form id="Selectform1">
           <table style="width: 49%">
          <td><input type="text"></td></tr>
              <td>Disabled attribute</td>
             <td><select disabled>
            <td>AutoFocus Attribute</td>
               <td><select autofocus>
          <td>Multiple Attribute</td>
            <td><select multiple="multiple">
                </select> </td>
           <td>Size Attribute</td>
             <td><select size="3">

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Difference Between HTML5 and HTML4.01:

The select tag is available in both HTML5 and HTML4.01.
