HTML5 cite tag, Definition of <cite> tag in html5


HTML5 cite tag, Definition of <cite> tag in html5

In this illustration we will inform you about the use of <cite>tag in html5

In this illustration we will inform you about the use of <cite>tag in html5

HTML5 cite tag, Definition of <cite> tag in html5

In this illustration we will inform you about the use of <cite> tag in html5. The <cite> tag is used for defining the title of work. The <cite> tag is an inline tag which indicates 'define a citation'. The text within the <cite> tag is shown in italic font style. The cite tag must have start and end tag.

There is a same name word attribute "cite" in the blockquote tag and serves same purpose as <cite> tag . But implementation of both is different , The <cite> tag contains title of the work and the "cite" attribute accepts only valid URL's. In this tag "tilte" attribute is used for defining the title to the Text within <cite>  </cite> tag.

Declaration Syntax:

<cite title="value">Text Here </cite>

Example: Citetag.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Example of cite tag</title>
 Do you
<cite title="This is created by gyan singh(September 1, 2010)">
Enjoy The cite tag </cite>
 HTML cite tag works!


Download This Example:

Difference between HTML5 and HTML4

There is the introductory tag in HTML5.
