Eclipse Plugins

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Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Top 10 Features of Eclipse Mars Features
Learn the top 10 features of the Eclipse Mars development IDE which is recently released to help the developers in developing the today's demanding applications with ease. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Server-Side Swing Designer ULC Visual Editor
Build Rich Internet Applications visually using the ULC Visual Editor for Eclipse. Use this drag-and-drop GUI designer for UltraLightClient to develop rich client user interfaces for J2EE applications within the Eclipse development environment. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial TUM
Tikal Update Manager is a YUM-like graphical user interface, which wraps Eclipse and Callisto-format update sites, adding intuitive discover/install/update/remove functionality for Eclipse plugins & features and other bundled packages. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial airTODO
airTODO is a minimalist project management tool, intended for customer, project, module, operation, task and time management, which can work with local and/or remote repositories. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial TagSEA
TagSEA is a framework for tagging locations of interest within Eclipse. TagSEA combines ideas from social bookmarking (tagging) and geographic navigation (waypointing) aiming to make finding information easier. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial UI Inspector
UI Inspector for Eclipse was created to address these difficulties. It is a plugin that contains a single view that allows you to see the properties of the selected objects and their context. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial LangTags GCSP
LangTags GCSP is a Eclipse RCP Tool for Google CodeSearch. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial JSlice
Dynamic slicing is a technique for program debugging and understanding. Given a program P, the programmer provides a slicing criterion of the form (I, L, V), where I is a program input, L is a set of some statement instances during execution of program P with input I, and V is a set of variables referenced by L. View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial Wicked Shell
Wicked Shellis an Eclipse plugin providing direct access to your system's shell. To be honest, Wicked Shell is not evil at all, although it calls itself wicked... View Rating

Eclipse Plugins
Tutorial EclipseShell
EclipseShell allows you to use View Rating
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