Download Eclipse with Maven Plugin support

In this video tutorial I will explain you how to download the Eclipse IDE with Maven Integration Plugin support and the create a web application using Maven tool.

Download Eclipse with Maven Plugin support

Video tutorial of Downloading the Eclipse IDE having Maven Plugin support and creating web application

Maven is the de facto standard for the complete management of the enterprise application developed in Java. Maven is very powerful tool for compiling, testing, building and managing the software project. You can use the same power of Maven in your Eclipse IDE, using the latest release of the Eclipse Lunar IDE which comes with pre installed Maven integration Plugin.

In this video tutorial teaches you how to download, install and then create a web application using the Maven in the Eclipse IDE. Finally in this video we have explained how to create and run the web application through Eclipse Lunar IDE.

Feature of Eclipse Lunar IDE

The latest version of the Eclipse Lunar IDE comes with the support of Maven Integration Plugin which simplifies the dependency management and the process of using the Maven in Eclipse.

The Eclipe Lunar IDE for Java EE developers comes with many plugins:

  • Data Tools Platform - For developing the data centric applications.
  • Eclipse Git Team Provider - Support for the Git distributed SCM.
  • Eclipse Java Development Tools - JDT Plugin supports
  • Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools - Tools for developing the Java EE applications.
  • JavaScript Development Tools - Tools for easily developing and debugging the JavaScript code.
  • Maven Integration for Eclipse - Easily integration of the Maven for your Eclipse IDE.
  • Mylyn Task List - Plugin for integrating with the Mylyn system.
  • Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment - Support for developing the Eclipse Plugins.
  • Remote System Explorer - For accessing the heterogeneous remote resources in your applications.
  • Eclipse XML Editors and Tools - Easy editing of the XML and other project resources

Here is the video tutorial of "Download eclipse with maven plugin and create first web application":

Downloading the Eclipse Lunar IDE

Eclipse Lunar IDE can be downloaded from its official website at

After downloading it extract it in a directory in on your computer.

Then start the Eclipse and create a new Maven project as explained in the video above. Here is the screen shot of creating the Maven based project in the Eclipse IDE:

Maven based project in the Eclipse IDE

Once the project is created you can configure the Tomcat 8 Server and then run it on the Tomcat Sever. From the Eclipse IDE you can deploy the application on the Tomcat as and test the application.

If there is some modification in code Eclipse automatically deploys it on the Tomcat.

So, its very easy to work with Maven tool from the Eclipse IDE.

Check more tutorials of Maven 3 at our Maven 3 tutorials home page.