Table Heading in HTML

The Tutorial illustrates an example to create a Table in HTML.

Table Heading in HTML

Table Heading in HTML


The Tutorial illustrates an example to create a Table in HTML. To create a Table, we define the table inside the <table> tag. A Table consists of heading enclosed within <th> tag. It consists of  rows ,which are enclosed within the <tr> tag. Each row is  further branched  into data cells, enclosed with the <td> tag. The td stand for "table data", which is content of a data present in cell. This data can contain text,images,lists,form,horizontal rule,frame,tables,etc. 

Understand with Example

The Tutorial illustrates an example  from Table Heading in HTML. In this Tutorial we create a table, which show its column heading. 

The <tr> tag :This  is used to define rows in a table.

Within a <tr> tag, The <th> tag define a heading of the table column.

<td> tag : This stand for "table data" content data present in a cell. 

Table in HTML
<table border="1">
<th>Heading no.1</th>
<th>Heading no.2</th>

The above code is saved with .html extension. Place the path of html saved code in URL of browser. Run the code in your browser.

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