JSP Request URI

JSP Request URI is used to return the URI of the current page in jsp. The method request.getRequestURI( ) return you the request object that will return the URI of the current JSP page.

JSP Request URI

JSP Request URI


JSP Request URI is used to return the URI of the current page in jsp. The method request.getRequestURI( ) return you the request object that will return the URI of the current JSP page.

Understand with Example

The Tutorial grasp the example from JSP Request URI. To understand the example we create a requestURI.jsp that include the expression  request.getRequestURI ( ) method, which return the URI of the request object in the current JSP page  and inserted into the output.



Here is the code of requestUrl.jsp

<h2>Requested URI</h2>
<font color="red">The requested URI is: <%= request.getRequestURI() %></font>

Output will be displayed as:

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