Domain Name

The domain name system (DNS) is a series of letters and numbers that are separated by periods and used to name organizations, computers and addresses on the Internet

Domain Name

The domain name system (DNS) is a series of letters and numbers that are separated by periods and used to name organizations, computers and addresses on the Internet. The domain name is the way that Internet names are located and translated into Internet Protocol Addresses. It is a meaningful and easy to handle Internet address. Domain names are used in URLs to identify a particular page.

Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top-level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of domains such as: .gov-Government agencies, .edu- Educational institutions, .org–Organizations (nonprofit), .mil–Military, .com-commercial business, .net-Network organizations, and the first two or three letters of the country name like .ca-Canada, .th-Thailand or .in for India.

Individual Internet host computer uses domain names as host identifiers, or hostnames. Hostnames are the leaf labels in the domain name system usually without further subordinate domain name space. Hostname appears as a component in Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for Internet resources. More than one domain name can be mapped to the same Internet address. This allows multiple individuals, businesses, and organizations to have separate Internet identities while sharing the same Internet server.

Getting a domain name and then designing, developing and hosting your website is very important for the success of your business. These days people are looking for the information and products online. They prefer to buy the products online as it required no effort and time. Traditionally if you have to buy something you will have to go the market and purchase it from the shop. So, it is business necessity for a business to have the domain and name with working online website. So, almost all the business are looking for online website.

Using your domain and a website you can sale your product or services. If you are in the field of education, you can sale your tutorials, articles, videos and other training material online.

So, domain name is must for a business and business owners should understand its importance.

Getting a Domain name is easy task, you can find a domain registrar and register a domain name of your choice with them. Usually domain name is registered for a period of 1 year. But you can also register your domain name for more then one year. Each year you have to renew your domain name. Domain name cost around US$10 per year. But the price of domain registration charges may vary.